We can all agree life is a beautiful thing. Yes, we have ups and downs, but we can find happiness and beauty everywhere if we look carefully enough.
The Akpesiri brand was born due to a passion. A fire in both Deonna & Greg Okotie's hearts was ignited after they married in an unconventional way back in 2019.
The couple felt they had taken a chance and it had paid off in the most beautiful way. Their shared passion for Christ, their courage to take a chance and the desire they had for finding true connection brought them together in a way they still cannot comprehend to this day.
Although the name itself is Greg's middle name, it also translates to 'Good Life'. This is the message Akpesiri represents.
It represents a love for yourself and God. The courage to take chances to get what you genuinely want. And the desire to find the genuine deep connection you truly deserve.
This is what it means to live a good life, right? And this is the message we strive to share with each and every person who's looking for a way to live a life they can love and be proud of.